Oreck Vacuum is Officially in Everett

Everett Vacuum has been no stranger to Oreck vacuum cleaners. We have been servicing and repairing them for well over 25 years. If you have visited the store over the years, we would always have a refurbished Oreck for sale, and we have stocked Oreck parts, bags and belts all along. Everett Vacuum is a multiline dealer, meaning we sell and service all brands. Oreck vacuum however, has traditionally used Oreck exclusive stores; wherein Oreck is the only brand sold. We recognize every home and person is unique, and when it comes to vacuums, one size does not fit all. So we have stuck to the multiline model to accommodate our customers' varied needs. But Orecks are very lightweight, dependable and long lasting, so our desire to sell them never faded. 

Fast forward to late 2013, Oreck which had traditionally been a US made product, had for several years been producing Chinese manufactured items for QVC & Costco. This gave way to massive quality control issues and Oreck went through a bankruptcy. Last year they were purchased by TTI, the parent company of Hoover & Royal, and reopened Oreck’s Tennessee plant. Back in Tennessee, production of the legendary, Lightweight, US made upright put Oreck back on the market.  But this time it’s different. Oreck had to rethink their business model and this meant more opportunity for independent dealers like us to carry them in our stores. And this is a huge win for you the consumer.  If you go into any store where one brand or limited brands are represented you find yourself with one or little to no choices at all, and you settle. 

Oreck vacuum is the perfect vacuum for “Joe” down the street but it might not fit your needs and your carpet/flooring situation; this is where options really empower the consumer. Everett Vacuum offers a huge spectrum of price, options, and manufacturers. Quality US & German made brands and economical brands like Hoover & Dirt Devil; something for everyone.

Since making our partnership with Oreck, we had to decide which models we would carry in our store.  There are several models still produced in China, and there is some higher priced model that are almost redundant in features and do not offer too much more to the consumer for what the price tag carries. We decided on three machines. All US made, all on par with the traditional Oreck design that made them legendary, all up to the quality and performance our customers expect and all priced from $250-$400.

The traditionally designed Oreck Heritage Classic, much like the Oreck XL, uses a powerful direct air motor and stiff agitator for maximum clean. Rubber wheels and bumper ensure no marks to your floors or walls. 30’ cord with switch in handle is an upgrade from early models, and allergen bags provide clean air emissions (3/1 year warranty, $249).

The Oreck Heritage II is an in-store only piece.  It has all the same features as the Oreck Heritage Classic, but has an upgraded two-speed switch, providing low speeds for vacuuming hard bare floor or area rugs that tend to lift, and full power option for wall to wall carpet.  It comes standard with HEPA filtration for maximum air quality (3/1 year warranty, $299).

The third model is the Oreck Axis. Similar to the Oreck XL21, in power and brush agitation. The Axis has a unique twist feature at the neck. This gives ease of use and greater mobility to the operator. Comes standard with a two-speed switch in the ergo handle. HEPA Filtration bags. And a carry handle on the back, for easy lift and carry up and down stairs. Also great for cleaning the stairs (3-year warranty, $399).

Oreck is not for everyone, but they may be perfect for you.  All these great Oreck Vacuum Cleaners, as well as other top quality US & German, made vacuums, can be seen and demo’d at Everett Vacuum.  Find the best machine to suit your needs & Give us a call today


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